By DogLovely Team

If you’ve been looking for durable and long-lasting dog chews for a pooch that loves to gnaw, you’ve probably come across Himalayan chews. This type of chew is very hard and robust, which makes them an ideal option for aggressive chewers.

However, you might have wondered what type of ingredients are used in Himalayan dog chews and whether their hard texture can harm your pooch’s teeth. Here’s everything you need to know about Himalayan dog chews, including their ingredients, healthiness, and safety.

What Are Himalayan Dog Chews Made Of?

Himalayan dog chews are made with yak and cow milk which is boiled and then dried for several weeks. This process makes for a very durable and long-lasting chew that is relatively low in odor.

Himalayan Dog Chew Ingredients

Himalayan chews consist primarily of yak and cow milk, but they also contain salt and lime juice. While the inclusion of salt might seem like an unnecessary and unhealthy component, the amount is very small. In fact, the fat content of Himalayan chews is typically less than 1%.

Are Himalayan Dog Chews Healthy?

Unlike a lot of edible chews for dogs, Himalayan chews are healthy, nutritious, and completely natural. They’re high in protein while also being low in fat.

In its raw state, milk is hard for dogs to digest. However, once it has been made into cheese, it is much easier on your dog’s digestive system.

Very few dogs who first try Himalayan dog chews experience flatulence or loose stools, and most cases don’t last very long. In addition to being a good natural alternative to chews like rawhide, Himalayan dog chews are heavy-duty and can withstand many hours of chewing.

They’re hard in texture and are a fantastic choice for dogs who are aggressive chewers. Your dog will need to work the end of the chew to soften it before small parts can be eaten. This means the chew will keep your pooch occupied for a fairly lengthy period, unlike some flimsier or brittle chews.

Himalayan dog chews don’t tend to stain surfaces, which is another great feature about these chews. If your dog has had chews before that have stained their fur or your floors, then you can rest assured knowing this won’t happen with a Himalayan dog chew.

As you probably already know, some edible dog chews like bully sticks can have a fairly pungent odor. This often gets worse when the chew gets wet when your pooch starts chewing on it, leaving you with an unpleasant-smelling room.

Himalayan dog chews are low in odor, so they shouldn’t stink up your house when your pup is playing with them. When your dog is chewing on a Himalayan dog chew, it lets off a smell that is similar to smoked cheese. Compared to strong meaty scents, this is a lot tamer!

Lastly, as Himalayan chews need to be sucked on or chewed before they begin to soften up, this makes them excellent for your pooch’s dental health. As your dog uses their teeth to scrape away at the surface of the chew, it helps remove plaque and tartar.

Are Himalayan Salt Chews Safe for Dogs?

happy dog smiling
Himalayan salt chews are safe for dogs with supervision and caution.

Himalayan salt chews are safe for dogs, but like with any chew, supervision is important. When your dog is using a Himalayan dog chew, you need to keep an eye on them at all times.

While this type of chew needs to be softened by your dog’s mouth before pieces can be chewed off, you still need to use a bit of common sense. If it looks like your dog is trying to swallow the chew whole, then take it away from them and reintroduce it at a later time.

It’s best to watch your dog for at least 15 minutes after they’ve been given  a new product anyway to be on the safe side.

Himalayan dog chews come in many different sizes, so make sure you select one that is an appropriate size for your dog. A large dog will need a Himalayan dog chew that is fairly big to prevent choking.

Check the sizes the chews come in to ensure you pick the right one for your pup’s body frame.

Can Himalayan Chews Break Teeth?

As Himalayan chews are very tough, you might have wondered whether their tough texture can break your dog’s teeth. While this type of chew is hard, it shouldn’t break your dog’s teeth.

This is because the chew still maintains a slight softness. In fact, if dropped onto a hard surface, Himalayan dog chews can break.

That said, Himalayan dog chews aren’t advised for geriatric dogs or those with missing or fragile teeth. It might be difficult for pooches with dental issues to gnaw on a Himalayan chew or soften it up enough to eat.


So, to sum everything up, Himalayan dog chews are made by boiling yak and cow milk and leaving to dry for several weeks to create a hard texture. They’re high in protein but low in fat, making them a healthy treat for your pup to enjoy.

Although Himalayan salt chews are safe, it’s still important to supervise your dog when they are using one. Additionally, they’re best not used for senior dogs and pups with weak or missing teeth.

Provided you keep an eye on your pooch when they’re using Himalayan chews, they’re a nutritious treat that can provide your pup with long-lasting chewing fun!

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Dog Food,

Last Update: April 2, 2024